T-Mobile Family Mode

T-Mobile FamilyMode is a family safety solution that lets you manage your kids' online activities and screen time across their devices, whether they're at home or on the go. The FamilyMode app helps parents monitor location in real time, set daily screen time limits, filter unwanted apps and content, pause internet access, monitor app and browser usage, and more.

Phone screen with a map, photo bubbles show locations of three different people
Locate your kids

Real-time location information helps you keep tabs on your family members and see where they've been.

Phone screen with a Time Limits function on, a photo bubble of a child, and
Monitor screen time

Understand how your family spends time online, and help them develop good digital habits.

Phone screen with a
Set content filters

Use pre-set or custom filters to
help ensure your kids only see
age-appropriate content online.

Phone screen with
Manage internet use

Set time limits for your family, pause internet access, or give screen time as a reward.