The Opioid Crisis

How opioids impact our citizens

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A Chronic Disease

Opioid misuse can lead to addiction, a brain disorder that must be managed over one's lifetime.  It cannot be "cured" with 30 days of rehab treatment.

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More People Need Help

The Opioid Crisis has helped fuel a pandemic that has impacted many of our young people, families, neighbors, friends and coworkers.

syringe with heroin and a lighter
Addiction Is Deadly

Overdose deaths kill over 100,000 Americans annually and the rates of overdose have skyrocketed from fentanyl entering into our community.

overdose with bottle of pills spilled
Fentanyl is Fueling the Crisis

Fentanyl is hard to detect, is laced into other drugs like pot, and very deadly.  75% of the overdose deaths today are from fentanyl.

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Adolescents Are at Risk

1 in 10 adolescents that misuse substances before they leave high school will rewire their brains before they have time to fully develop increasing the chances they will become addicted.

The Opioid Crisis is Costly

Addiction has a $1 trillion dollar economic impact annually in healthcare, law enforcement, lost productivity at work, and legal cost.